Friday, March 26, 2010

Interviewing is a two-way street.  Obviously, the organization is using the interview process to evaluate you and your credentials to determine if you are a solid fit for the company’s needs.  But the interview is equally important for the opportunity it affords you to evaluate how well the company and the position match what you are seeking.  Formulating a series of well-thought out questions in advance of the interview will not only help you draw out pertinent information from the interviewer, but also demonstrate your intelligence and sincere interest in the position at hand.

The best questions are those that arise from the initial research you will conduct of the organization while preparing for the interview.  Whenever possible, questions should be tailored to the position and company. 

The following questions will provide you with some ideas and get you thinking about potential interview questions you may want to consider asking employers during the interview.

  • Fit for the Position
* What are the most important skills and attributes a candidate needs to be successful in this position?
* What are the characteristics of a successful employee in your organization?
* Describe the work environment.
* What are the challenging facets of the job?
* What would be a typical work day in this position?
* What is your management style?
* What is your preferred method of communicating with your team?
* What is the next step in the interviewing process?

  • Company Culture
* How would you describe your company culture?
* What is the organization structure of your department?
* Who are the primary parties that you are responsible to support: shareholders, customers, employees, etc.?  * How do you go about making decisions when the needs of these groups are at odds with each other?

  • Measures for Success
* What are your expectations for new employee hires within their first 90 days on the job?  Within the first six months?
* How and when will my job performance be evaluated?
* What metrics are used to measure whether or not you are achieving your predetermined goals?
* How will my success in this position be measured?
* How is success measured in this department (or organization)?

  • The Future of the Organization
* What is your vision for the organization (or department) over the next two years?  Next five years?
* What current major challenges are you facing as a manager?
* What is the organization’s biggest challenge currently?
* What is the organization’s competitive advantage in the marketplace?

In Bliss,
Coach Sandy

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