Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pay Attention To What's Important

It's easy to lose sight of what's important when you're working hard and juggling a million things.

To stay focused on the things that matter, you need to make time for reflection - time for thinking about your life, values, priorities, and where you are going.

Are you taking care of your physical health?

Are you happy?

Do you laugh enough?

How are your relationships with the people you care about?

As you ask yourself questions and reflect on what's important, you'll discover what changes you need to make so that your life feels more balanced and so you have time for the important things.

In The Artist's Way (1992), author Julia Cameron shares her self-styled spiritual path to creativity, which includes writing three "Morning Pages" a day on anything to help overcome our own internal censors. This incredible book is a must-read for anyone looking to unblock themselves and be more successful in Life.

In Bliss,
Coach Sandy

Sandy Kiaizadeh
Find Your Bliss Coaching
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